DHS Disability Services are committed to supporting South Australians with disability through a person-centred philosophy of 'Everything about you, with you'. Our staff will listen to you, work with you and be there for you.
Lead your best life with support from our wide range of services, tailored to your needs.
Search through the vacancies available now, each with day-to-day support from our dedicated team.
Disability services, delivered by the South Australian Department of Human Services.
Bring your skills to help South Australians with disability thrive.
We’re here to help. To have your questions answered, complete our contact form or give us a call.
Privacy statement: In submitting this form I agree to my details being used for the purposes of an expression of interest in DHS Disability services. The information will only be accessed by necessary DHS Disability Services staff. I understand my data will be held securely, will not be distributed to third parties and DHS Disability Services will treat any personal information provided by me as confidential and only for the purposes indicated above. I have a right to change or access my information. I understand that when this information is no longer required for this purpose, official procedure will be followed to dispose of my data.